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Proteo Stalle 165CV (Theault)

4.3 (3)
Instant booking Instant booking


Horsebox 2016 141568 km 5 seats Driving licence category B 165 HP


Blue light
Manual gearbox
5 passengers
Stall version
Tow bar
Bunk beds

Specific conditions

  • The hirer of the vehicle must be at least 18 years old and hold a valid driving licence.
  • A deposit of €2,500 will be required by bank pre-authorisation on departure of the vehicle, for all rentals of less than 72 hours. If the pre-authorisation is not received, the car hire company reserves the right to cancel the rental in accordance with its cancellation policy.
  • A deposit of €2,500 will be required by cheque on departure of the vehicle, for all rentals of more than 72 hours.
  • An administrative fee of €80 will be charged in addition to the cost of repairs in the event of damage to the vehicle on return from the rental.
  • An additional €1,000 security deposit will be required on departure of the vehicle for anyone holding a driving licence less than 2 years old.
  • A rental day is up to 24h.
  • You can adjust the mileage and rental options on the next step of your booking.
  • individual agent

Conditions d'annulation modérées

Remboursements accordés sur le montant de la réservation : 100% en cas de demande d'annulation reçue au plus tard 2 semaines avant la location du véhicule ; 95% en cas de demande d'annulation reçue reçue entre 2 semaines et 7 jours avant la location du véhicule ; 50% en cas de demande d'annulation reçue entre 7 jours et 48h avant le début de la location ; aucun remboursement en cas de demande d'annulation dans les 48h avant la location du véhicule.

Agent details

Renteo agent 4.3
34350 Vendres France
3 opinion - 42 Rentals


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      ERROR, The requested booking includes a period not available

      ERROR, The selected departure date is a closed day and cannot be advanced as this period is booked.

      ERROR, The selected return date is a closed day and cannot be reversed as this period is booked.

      As the selected departure day is a closed day, we have brought the date forward to the nearest open day
      As the selected return day is a closed day, we have moved the date back to the nearest open day.
      Day available but closed for departures/returns
      Vehicle partially available
      See opening time of the agent

      Reminder : you have 400 km .

      NOTE: extra miles cost MORE when paid upon return of the vehicle (ex: 0.35£ online and 0.40£ upon return)

      0.30€ the extra extra km
      Explore Account 0 Basket Language