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Proteo Switch 170CV (Theault)

5.0 (4)
Manual booking confirmation within 12h by the agent Manual booking confirmation within 12h by the agent


Horsebox 2020 35000 km 5 Number of seats Driving licence requested B 170 HP


Tow bar
Bunk beds
Automatic gearbox
Dogs allowed
Stall version
5 passengers

Specific conditions

  • The hirer of the vehicle must be at least 18 years old and hold a valid driving licence.
  • A guarantee deposit of €2,500 will be required on departure of the vehicle by pre-authorisation and/or cheque, in accordance with the conditions agreed on site with the car hire company. If the pre-authorisation is not received, the car hire company reserves the right to cancel the rental in accordance with its cancellation policy. Please provide both means of payment for the departure of the vehicle.
  • The hirer of the vehicle must have at least 3 years' driving experience and a valid driving licence.
  • Un dépôt de garantie supplémentaire de 1000€ sera demandé pour tout titulaire d'un permis de moins de trois ans.
  • Le véhicule devra revenir aussi propre qu'au départ de la location, sinon un forfait de 250€ sera appliqué obligatoirement.
  • Le véhicule devra revenir avec le plein de gasoil, sinon un forfait de 260€ sera appliqué obligatoirement.
  • A rental day is up to 24h.
  • You can adjust the mileage and rental options on the next step of your booking.
  • Professional agent

Conditions d'annulation strictes

Remboursement de 100% du montant de la réservation en cas de demande d'annulation reçue au plus tard 2 semaines avant le début de la location du véhicule . Remboursement de 95% du prix de la réservation en cas de demande d'annulation reçue entre 2 semaines et 7 jours avant la location du véhicule. Aucun remboursement effectué en cas de demande d'annulation dans les 7 jours avant la location du véhicule.

Agent details

Renteo agent 5
21140 Courcelles-lès-Semur France
4 opinion - 42 Rentals


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Selected dates are non-valid
      ERROR, The requested booking includes a period not available

      ERROR, The selected departure date is a closed day and cannot be advanced as this period is booked.

      ERROR, The selected return date is a closed day and cannot be reversed as this period is booked.

      As the selected departure day is a closed day, we have brought the date forward to the nearest open day
      As the selected return day is a closed day, we have moved the date back to the nearest open day.
      Day available but closed for departures/returns
      Vehicle partially available
      See opening time of the agent

      Reminder : you have 400 km .

      NOTE: extra miles cost 0.05 £ MORE per mile when paid upon return of the vehicle.

      0.45€ the extra extra km
      Explore Account 0 Basket Language